Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Classroom Etiquette

There’s a class, I won’t, say the name of it, but this class reaffirms my position that Howard has some of the dumbest kids the US has to offer. You’d think after many years of being in school, you would have a grasp on classroom etiquette. However, these fools refuse to give in. So I just want to break down some of the rules of proper classroom etiquette and mannerisms.

1.    1. It’s nearly the end of the semester. You’ve been going to class for at least 2 and a half months. Why in the HELL is your phone still going on off in class? Why are you still forgetting to put your phone on vibrate when you enter class? Is it really that hard?

2.  Ladies, nappy horse hair weaves are not conducive to the learning environment. In fact, studies indicate that students are distracted by your nappy locks. There is no reason why your hair looks like a wet mop. If you’re having a bad hair day, wear a hat or some type of head scarf.

3.    3. Coming to class, signing the roll, and leaving minutes later does not constitute as ‘being in class’.

4.    4. Speaking of the roll, unless you’re sitting in the front or back of the row, pass the sign in sheet to the person IN FRONT of you. Not the person to your left. Not the person to your right. Not to the person in the Financial Aid office. To the person IN FRONT of you. It’s not that hard.

5.    5. When you see the roll coming around, have a working pen/pencil ready to sign the roll. Don’t get the roll and spend 10 minutes looking for a pen. You saw the sign in sheet coming.

6.    6. If you come late, do not come to class all loud; dragging the desk in front of class, cutting off the professor, letting the dorm slam. Just tacky. If you’re going be late, please be as quiet as possible when entering.

7.    7. Do not sit in the front and fall asleep. It makes you look like an idiot in front of the professor.

8.    8. How are you gonna come late and then fall asleep in class?

9.    9. If you’re going to be more than 30 minutes late for class, just don’t come; unless it’s Tuesday or Thursday. Freshman year this fool walked in to class at 9:58.

10. 10. Professors with sloppy handwriting is very irritating. It is not a sign of intelligence. I don’t care what people say.

11. 11. Professors with thick accent, you know damn well can’t nobody understand a word you are saying. Write what you’re saying on the board. It’ll save a lot of time.

12. 12. Professors, when half the class is sleep or doing other things, just dismiss class. You’re boring, and wasting people’s time.

13.  13. Please refrain from asking dumb questions in class. I will never forget the fall of 2008. After a quiz, the professor told everyone to pass up their quizzes. Ten minutes later some girl asks, “did you collect the quizzes?”

14. 14. If you’re in an auditorium classroom, don’t come in late expecting there to be seats in the front.

15. 15. How are you gonna come late, and then leave early? WTF was the point in you coming to class?

16. 16. Always agree with the consensus. If the class says push the test back to next week. Agree. Don’t say let’s have it now. You’ll end up on the back of a milk carton.

17.  17. Not coming to class because you didn’t do the assignment doesn’t give you an extension on the assignment. It’s still late whenever you turn it in.

18. 18. Please be aware of what you wearing when you come to class. A gentleman wearing a sleeveless bubble coat and a “Gucci” sun visor caused a massive disturbance in class one day.

That also includes stuff like this:

And this:

19. 19. Don’t be triflin’. Clean up the four course meal you had once class is over.

20. 20. Last, but not least, try your best not to be loud and wrong. I cannot stress that enough. I will laugh uncontrollably.   

My life at Howard University.


  1. #s 2 and 18 are a true mess LMAO!!

    I will say when I was in high school, I use to love laughing at the ones #20 is dedicated to.

  2. OMFG...I can't stop laughing! This is toooo funny and so true!

  3. Some of these happened in class today. These two girls came in like 30 minutes late, and then left about 15 minutes later. Just tasteless.

  4. That's crazy bc it still happens today. I can't wait to see what Howard has in store for the fall of 2014! Lol
